how to deworm a cat with home remedies

How to Deworm A Cat with Home Remedies?- In-Depth Case Study | 2021

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The furry cute kitties can have certain problems. Read this post to know how to deworm a cat with home remedies.


The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat. – Jules Renard

Cuteness can bring along some trouble. So, what if your cat is not at peace due to these tiny little worms?

deworm a cat with home remedies

What will you do to make your cat easy?

Well, we have mentioned some of the most effective natural ways to treat worms in cats. We have tried many ways to relieve our furry ball and found these ways the most authentic and reliable treatment to include it in on “how to deworm a cat with home remedies.”

Takedown: What works for our cats might not work for your cat as well. It mainly depends on the severity and type of worm infected. It also relies on the breed of the cat and environmental conditions. So, always consult the vet then start the treatment.

What Type of Worm Can Infect Your Cat? 

Do you know approximately 50% of cats suffer from parasite infection at least once in their life?

cat affected by worms (deworm a cat using homeremedies)

Imagine that you see long-moving identities with your feline poop. Terrible right!

You might get scared for once like we were; when we saw it for the first time. 

But you should know what type of worm this is? 

So that you can directly jump onto the right treatment instead of wasting your time identifying it, we have explained common parasites that can infect your feline. Then follow the guide on how to deworm a cat with home remedies to treat your feline.

Now, let’s start.

Tapeworms | Common Gut Parasite

Small white rice fragment in stool and around the anal area of your cat?

It is also known as flatworms. The cats might get infected while grooming. It is the hunting nature of the cat that causes it to suffer from this infection. As it is transmitted by intermediate hosts such as rodents and fleas.

However, there are certain natural flea and worm treatments for cats, but it is better to consult a vet to treat them.

Hookworms | Common Intestinal Parasite

tapeworm in cats

Well, chances are you will not be able to see this parasite because of its small size. But you can easily detect its presence from the symptomatic behavior of your cat. It is transferred via waste material.

Your cat may take up the egg of this parasite, or the larvae may enter into the body via skin. It hooks up with the wall of the intestine and causes bleeding. It can cause anemia and, if left untreated, can cause serious health problems.

Roundworms | Common Small Intestinal Parasite

If you see spaghetti-like long worms that are probably off-white, then these are known as roundworms. These are the parasites that live inside the cat’s intestine and harm them. They fed upon the food that your cat ingests. So, ends up taking your cat’s essential nutrients.

Moreover, these parasites can pass on from mother to kitten as well. Roundworms are also harmful to humans. So, treat your cat cautiously to avoid any infection.

How Can Your Cat Get Infected?

We want to share the means of transmission of these parasites so that you can either prevent them or stop your cat from getting them.

  • The most common route is through fecal transmission.
  • Infection can also transfer from infected mother feline to little kitten.
  • Your cat might get these parasites from hunting rodents such as rabbits or mice. 
  • Other inter-mediated hosts can be fleas and other cats that carry their eggs.
  • The unhealthy surrounding can be a secondary reason for these parasite’s growth that can cause serious intestinal infections.


How Will You Know That Your Cat Has Worms?

Honestly, most of the symptoms are the same as parasite infections. It is better to seek some professional advice for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Some of the indications are:

  • Vomiting
  • Bloody stool and mucus
  • Lethargy and weakness
  • Anemia in severe cases
  • Presence of worms in stool
  • Worms around the anal opening
  • Sometimes, the abdomen may swell 

cat sleeping after deworming

Are There Any Natural Ways To Treat Worms In Cats?

To answer this question, we have tried a lot of natural ways for parasite infection treatment. And honestly, it worked, but natural means require patience and consistency as they show their long-lasting effect slowly.

Takedown: Our cat was infected from tapeworms, and we tried many home remedies for tapeworms in cats. But our focus was to try treatments that either work or not? So, now we can confidently flaunt these remedies to you.

But we still prefer to opt for the natural way as it saves your cat from medicine’s side-effects and organically treats your cat. Also, it will save you money that can cost you because of regular visits to the vet.

P.s. If you are a new pet owner, you can also give it a read on: How to Save Money as Pet Parent.

How to Deworm a Cat with Home Remedies?

The treatment may vary from cat to cat and, most importantly, depends on the type of infection. Therefore, it is essential to keep a good check on your feline so that you can detect the cause on time. In addition, it will help you to prevent the prognosis of the disease.

However, you need to handle it very carefully as most parasite infections are contagious and can infect you. So, whenever you treat the cat, always follow preventive measures to be safe and healthy.

Following are the ways on how to deworm a cat with home remedies.

  1. Natural Flea and Worm Treatment for Cats:

Fleas and ticks are the most common cause of infection. They enter into the body of your little fluffy friend and live on the blood of your feline. 

You will observe changes in your cat’s behavior. For example, it will scratch a lot more than usual. You can even see the little black dots with fur at the scratching site. 

Read also: Best Heavy-Duty Cat Scratching Posts.

You can follow certain natural flea and worm treatments for cats. Would you please take out the tick with your hand but do it while wearing gloves? These can harm you as well. Because a cat can give you a tough time doing it if you think you cannot handle your cat, go for professional assistance.

You can also use organic or herbal anti-ticks and fleas shampoos. Also, some sprays retain the furry texture of your cat by removing the parasites. Anti-flea collars are also a good option. 

P.s. Go for the products that contain apple cider vinegar that will kill the parasites and bring the extra shine to the coat.

2. Home Remedies for Tapeworms in Cats:

It is usually associated with bloody stool and mucus secretion. You can use certain home remedies for tapeworms in cats.

Firstly, you can use pumpkin seeds to kill the worms. Pumpkin seeds contain amino acids that kill the parasite. Try to incorporate the seeds into your cat’s diet slowly. Once your feline develops its taste, feed it twice a day.

Another effective way on how to deworm a cat with home remedies is the use of deworming medicines. If your cat is not responding well, then use flea and tick medicines. Most of the vets recommend it.

  1. Coconut Oil for Deworming Cats:

Coconut oil is effective because it has anti-bacterial properties, anti-parasitic especially for tapeworms. It is also effective in treating dandruff and other health-related issues. 

You can use coconut oil for deworming cats and improving overall health. However, it is advisable to start with a very small quantity to avoid any reaction. Also, ask your vet before you give coconut oil to your feline.

It is because it can cause digestion issues in sensitive cats. Overweight is also associated with the use of coconut oil in the case of fatty cats.

  1. Essential Oils for Deworming Cats:

You can use different essential oils for your cats, most common: chamomile, cumin, anise, and fennel. You can use it separately or a blend of it.

The Natural Pet Doctor shares the deworming cocktail recipes, which are effective and highly recommended.

According to it:

In ½ oz (15ml) of NingXia Red, mix the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp of distilled water
  • One capsule ParaFree (pop and squeeze contents out)
  • One capsule MultiGreens (open and mixed in)

Mix well before use. Refrigerate any unused portions. Give 2-3ml of the solution to your pet twice a day, generally mixed with food.

  1. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth for Cats:

Gardeners or farmers most commonly use it for deworming. However, the best option for how to deworm a cat with home remedies so far. 

Make sure to buy food-grade diatomaceous earth from a high-end store to avoid adulterer. It is also known as fossil-hell flour. 

 Also, add only half a tablespoon into wet cat food so that your cat did not know about it. It will also help you to treat worms efficiently.

Can You Prevent Your Cat From Intestinal Parasites?

It is always better to do your best four little furry balls. Well, we cannot say that these preventive measurements will 100% save your feline from getting worms. But these steps will reduce the chance the maximum chances of worm interactions.

  • Hygiene is the priority on our list. It is the best way how to deworm a cat with home remedies in the best way possible.
  • Keep your house clean and surround to avoid ticks and fleas.
  • Make sure that there are no mice and other rodents that may act as a carrier.
  • Always bathe your cat when you come from outside.
  • Clean the garden as most of the fleas comes from there.
  • Use anti-fleas and ticks sprays and collars.
  • Keep the litter box clean and use disinfectant if your cat is already infected.
  • Monitor your cat carefully to avoid any harm.


Now, Are You Ready To Deworm A Cat With Home Remedies?

how to deworm a cat using home remedies

We have shared the best guide on how to deworm a cat with home remedies. So that you can take care of your feline with natural products, if you find this guide helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends so that they can also treat their cats naturally.

Also, let us know what remedy you find the best and why?

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are natural ways to treat worms in cats enough?

Well, it is best if you treat your cat all naturally to avoid medication side effects. But, in some cases, you have to use medicines and other treatments to eliminate these parasites.

Can coconut oil for deworming cats be toxic?

It cannot be toxic but can cause some undesirable effects. It happens when you give a lot to your cat or when the cat is not physically fit. So, it is better to ask your vet first than use it for our cat.

Can you use O-T-C drugs with home remedies for tapeworms in cats?

We will suggest you consult your vet and do not use them at the same time. It is because it can lead to toxicity or other serious health problems. So, it is better to opt for a single option at a time.

How can indoor cats get an infection?

Rodents like mice and rabbits can be a carrier. Fleas and ticks present in the garden can also become a source of transmission. Interaction with other animal’s feces can also be a reason.

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