Dog hiccups A lot

Dog Hiccups A Lot! Is It Pleasing or Concerning? |2023

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Honestly, dogs look cutest when they get hiccups, especially puppies. Aren’t they adorable…Right! 

But why do dogs hiccups a lot?

Is it something you should be concerned about or just a normal respiratory movement?

Well, most dog-owners get worried about their dog’s health. It is a normal body response most of the time,  but sometimes it can be an alarming sign of a serious cause that refers to your canine’s health.

But the question is how you will be able to differentiate between them both?

No worries. We have your back!

After searching for hours and hours we have gathered all the relevant information regarding dog hiccups. We have shared everything so that you can differentiate the difference between the chronic hiccups and normal jerks of your canine. 

Have a look!

Wondering! Our Dog’s Hiccups Different from Us?

No. It is the same as that of humans and most of the time it is harmless and as short as in our cases. It is something very new for first-time dog owners and they get touchy and start to rush to their vet. 

But hold on! 

Sit back and relax. 

As hiccups are the involuntary contractions of the diaphragm-a skeletal muscle that separates the abdomen and chest. The lungs expand causing the diaphragm contraction allowing the air in, this happens when the dog inhales. 

On the contrary, the diaphragm relaxes when dogs exhale. When this normal movement is disturbed by muscle spasms it leads to hiccups. It is the exact mechanism that causes hiccups in us as well.

Takedown: Do you know..? Some veterinarians suggest that hiccups might help to relieve gastric irritation and gas problems in dogs. So, normal hiccups aid the digestive system as well.

Reverse Sneezing or Hiccups!! How Will You Differentiate?  

Well, if you are new to pets, especially dogs. There are three different terms you need to know i.e. Hiccups, reverse hiccups, and reverse sneezing. All of them sound quite similar but they differ a lot.

Hiccups are usually due to involuntary diaphragm spasm that leads to producing hic sound. The duration is a few seconds and it is less likely to occur in older dogs. Reverse hiccups can be a way of your dog clearing sinuses, followed by loud breaths,


In Petmd, mentions that reverse sneezing occurs due to vigorous air sucks in by your dog says Dr. Stephanie Liff, a veterinarian and owner of Pure Paws Veterinary Care in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Takedown: There is an amazing theory regarding hiccups according to which the baby produces hic sound inside the womb believing that is a way of breathing exercise known as fetal hiccups. 

But…. What Gives Rise to Dog’s Hiccups Then?

To be honest there are plenty of reasons that your dog gets hiccups. It may vary from dog to dog or even on their schedule. But to give you an idea we have penned down some very basic and common causes of hiccups.

So, let’s cut the chase.

1. Fast Eating Can Cause Air Ingestion

If your dog gets hiccups right after eating food, it may be due to fast eating habits. Usually, dogs get excited when they see their food coming their way. They gobble up and finish it in no time.

The fast intake causes air to enter their body and makes that cute little hic sound.

2. Zealous Nature Can Fasten Respiratory Movement.

Most of the herding dogs or large breed dogs that are hyperactive and energetic tend to have more physical activity than the older dogs or other dogs. These dogs have very fast metabolic activity as well. 

Because of hyperactivity, they breathe fast especially while running and training. The fast movement of bronchial muscles can lead to hiccups.

3. Stress Can Be A Reason That Your Dog Hiccups A Lot.

According to some Veterinarians, dogs can also be stressed and get depressed. Stress can occur due to many reasons. One of the greatest reasons is if your dog is feeling alone due to your lack of attention.

So, the stress can lead to impaired digestion, disturbed movement of involuntary muscles that can lead to hiccups.

4. Hiccups Related to Serious Health Issues

Dog hiccups alot because of serious health issue

As mentioned above, most of the time it will fade away as it has never happened. But occasionally the hiccups can be a sign of trouble. It is something you need to worry about. 

If the hiccups are prolonged and are associated with coughing, sneezing, or vomiting. Then it needs to be treated carefully and you should consult your vet as soon as possible to avoid any loss.

Here are some of the reasons that you need to focus on to save your doggie’s life. 

  • Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter

It is a rare disease known as “thump”. It causes hiccup-like contractions and causes involuntary abdominal wall contraction and this disease is secondary to hyperthyroidism in dogs.

  • Gut Related Issues:


If your dog is experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, and bloody stool along with hiccups. Then do not take it lightly. Most of the dogs are very prone to food allergies. So, carefully observe your dog’s behavior to avoid regret later on.


  • Bronchial Issues:


Older dogs and weak dogs are most likely to catch flu and other diseases that may aggravate due to their weak immune system. Coughing, sneezing with hiccups are the major alarming signs of chronic diseases such as pneumonia or bronchitis. 

So, never ignore these red alerts and take your fluffy friend to the vet to treat it in time.

  • Parasites Infestation:


Some dogs get hiccups due to ticks and other parasites that may infect your dog and can cause aggressive behavior. Observe the unusual behavior of your canines such as excessive itching, irritation, and bad moods are all signs of something not so right with your fluffy friend. 

My Dog Hiccups A Lot. Anything serious? 

We have mentioned above some of the main reasons why your dog hiccups. But those were basic reasons. Now, we would like to categorize the reason in a different way that you need to know, and maybe it will be helpful for you before getting a dog.

So, we have broken down the hiccups associated with the dog’s breed and according to their other daily chores.

  • Small Puppies: 

small puppy hiccups a lot

If you have noticed, small puppies are more active than adult dogs. Their metabolism, breathing rate, respiration rate is more than the average adult dog. So, they are more likely to get hiccups as compared to other dogs.

So, if you want to have a puppy or small breed dog you will know that already. If you already have one then you might be experiencing the same.

  • Adult Doggies:


As adult dogs have developed a system so they are not more prone to hiccups. But large breed dogs like German shepherds and huskies are more into physical activities such as training dogs. 

So, they might experience hiccups more than usual. It is because of their fast breathing the air can get into their belly and cause hiccups.

Older dogs are very less likely to have hiccups because of their slow respiratory movement and less activity.


  • Chronic Hiccups:


Now, most adult dogs are associated with many health conditions. Others are very prone to get allergies because of their hypersensitive nature. You need to be very cautious about certain health conditions and get in touch with the vet regularly.

Well, the easy way to detect chronic hiccups is their association with other symptoms such as your dog might be coughing, bleeding, not eating food properly or the hiccups last for more than an hour.

All of these gather up to give you that red flag that something is not right with your dear friend.


  • Dog’s Night Hiccups:


Dog hiccups at night a lot. Well, it can be sorted but to do so. You need to notice the root cause that is bothering your dog and not let him sleep at night. Hiccups that happen at night may be due to the following reasons. 

  • You are not giving the right food or following the same diet plan.
  • Maybe your dog is on a certain medication that causes involuntary movement.
  • Sometimes, temperature adjustment and adaptation cause these hiccups.
  • Excitement, stress, or depression can also be a cause.

Takedown: An interesting fact! Some dogs might get a run of hiccups, twitching legs, and fluttering eyelids at night during sleep. But they might never have hiccups when they are awake. Do you know what it is called?

It is called the REM-Rapid Eye Movement. It is a unique condition accompanied by a random movement that occurs during a unique phase of sleep in mammals and birds.

  • Small Breed Dog Hiccups A Lot:


Some dog breeds are prone to hiccups. Especially small breed dogs as told earlier.

Here are some of the dogs’ hiccups a lot.

  • French Bulldog
  • Shih Tzu 
  • Pug 
  • Pomeranian 
  • Chihuahua 

How to Stop Dog Hiccups? 

Hiccups will go away on their own soon but if not you can try the following tips you relieve your dog.

Diverts Your Dog Attention:

It is used for humans as well. You can distract your little pooch by calling them to fetch something or by playing their favorite games. This might work for your little fluffy friend.

Soothes Your Dog:

If hiccups are repetitive and your dog is not able to get distracted then try to soothe him by rubbing your hand on his chest. You can also pat him on the back and cuddle him to relax and settle down.

If these movements are due to excitement or aggressive physical activity then this tip might work out.

Give Water to Your Canine:

Try to calm down your dog and make him drink water by taking small sips. This tip works a lot of times and is effective to treat normal hiccups.


As there is no specific medicine to treat hiccups. So, if your dog hiccups a lot, some veterinarian suggests opting for acupuncture as a home remedy. 

Can You Prevent Your Dog’s Hiccups?

dog care guide

Yes. You can prevent dog hiccups by taking certain necessary measures that will save your dog from these involuntary movements. Here are some of the common precautions that you can take to avoid hiccups.

  • Always keep on changing the diet plans of your dog and do a good check on ingredients to give the healthiest dog food that is free from any harmful substance.
  • Schedule your dog food early at night to avoid gastric irritation that can cause movements of the diaphragm.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of your dog and its surroundings to avoid parasites infections.
  • A regular vet visit will help you monitor the dog’s behavior and health in a better way. This way you can easily control hiccups or other related problems.

Before Letting You Go!

We hope that you enjoyed reading this post and some little amazing facts. After searching for hours and hours, we have searched and gathered the information to bring you the best relevant information.

Now, you know that if your dog hiccups a lot. Is there anything to notice seriously or not?

Also, share your tips on how you prevent or stop the hiccups of your fluffy friend?

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